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科学研究:[1]Tang, N., Kamar, A., Lin, C. Y., & Lu, C. L. (2023). Bank safety-oriented culture and lending decisions. Journal of Financial Stability, 66, 101122.
[2]Hsu, Y. T., Lee, C. F., Lin, C. Y., & Tang, N. (2022). Lead independent director and earnings management. European Financial Management.
[3]Huang, Y. S., Lu, Y. X., & Tang, N. (2022). World prospers China: Chinese private firms with lending before the China–United States trade war. Applied Economics Letters, 29(10), 920-926.


  • 教师简介
  • 科学研究
  • 主讲课程
  • 唐宁,金融学博士,OG体育综合平台讲师;主要研究方向为公司金融,公司治理;在Journal of Financial Stability, European Financial Management, Finance Research Letters, 和 Applied Economics Letters等杂志上发表论文。曾担任Finance Research Letters等杂志匿名审稿人。


    [1] 台湾财务金融学会年会富邦论文奖, 2021

    [2] 交大会计合作论坛暨第五届学术年会二等奖,2023

  • [1]Tang, N., Kamar, A., Lin, C. Y., & Lu, C. L. (2023). Bank safety-oriented culture and lending decisions. Journal of Financial Stability, 66, 101122.
    [2]Hsu, Y. T., Lee, C. F., Lin, C. Y., & Tang, N. (2022). Lead independent director and earnings management. European Financial Management.
    [3]Huang, Y. S., Lu, Y. X., & Tang, N. (2022). World prospers China: Chinese private firms with lending before the China–United States trade war. Applied Economics Letters, 29(10), 920-926.
  • 本科生课程:《金融市场与金融机构》